Students » Student Handbook

Student Handbook

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Brooklyn High School for Law and Technology is committed to providing the structures and supports that ensure a successful high school experience. As students we expect you to:

  • report to school each day on time, prepared, and ready to learn.
  • follow the school’s policies, including discipline code and dress code. 
  • take responsibility and ownership over your academic growth and success.
  • build positive relationships with students, teachers, and staff members.
  • participate in class often and in a respectful manner. 
  • seek help and persevere through challenges. 
  • use appropriate language inside and outside of the school building. 
  • show pride in the school environment and take proper care of equipment.





8:05 AM

8:50 AM


8:53 AM

9:38 AM


9:41 AM

10:26 AM


10:29 AM

11:14 AM


11:17 AM

12:02 PM


12:05 PM

12:50 PM


12:53 PM

1:38 PM


1:41 PM

2:25 PM


9th Grade Lunch: 4th Period

10th Grade Lunch: 5th Period

11th Grade Lunch: 6th Period

12th Grade Lunch: 7th Period

Term 1 - Fall

Marking Period

Start Date

End Date




MP 1 Progress Reports: 10/5/2023




MP 2 Progress Reports: 11/16/2023




MP 3 Progress Reports: 1/4/2023

Term 2 - Spring

Marking Period

Start Date

End Date




MP 1 Progress Reports: 2/29/2023




MP 2 Progress Reports: 4/18/2023




MP 3 Progress Reports: 5/30/2023

Brooklyn High School for Law and Technology requires all students to complete an academically rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum. In New York State, there are three types of diplomas: a local diploma, a Regents diploma, and an Advanced Regents diploma. All students can earn a Regents or Advanced Regents diploma; however only students who meet specific criteria are eligible to graduate with a local diploma. The following are the exam and minimum credit requirements for a Regents diploma or Advanced Regents diploma: 

Examination Requirements

 Regents Diploma

Advanced Regents Diploma

Your child must achieve a score of 65 or higher on these five Regents exams:

  1. English Language Arts (ELA)
  2. Any mathematics exam (Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II/Trigonometry)
  3. Any social studies exam (Global History and Geography or U.S. History and Government)
  4. Any science exam ( Living Environment, Chemistry, Earth Science, or Physics)
  5. Any additional Regents exam or assessment approved by the State for this purpose

Your child must achieve a score of 65 or higher on these nine exams:

  • English Language Arts (ELA
  • Three mathematics exams (Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II/Trigonometry)
  • Any social studies exam (Global History and Geography or U.S. History and Government)
  • Two science exams (Living Environment and one of these: Chemistry, Earth Science, or Physics)
  • Any additional Regents exam or assessment approved by the State for this purpose
  • Any NYC Languages Other Than English(LOTE) exam

Minimum Credit Requirements


Credits Needed

Core English


Social Studies: Global History (4), U.S. History (2), Participation in Government (1), Economics (1)


 Mathematics: Including at least two credits of advanced math (e.g., Geometry or Algebra II)


 Science: Life Science (2), Physical Science (2), Life Science or Physical Science (2)


Languages Other than English (LOTE)*


Physical Education (every year, distributed in specific ways)




Visual Art, Music, Dance, and/or Theater






*A student seeking an Advanced Regents diploma with an arts or CTE endorsement is only required to complete 2 credits of LOTE. Also, a student whose IEP specifies that the disability directly impacts his or her ability to learn a language may substitute other courses for the LOTE requirement and still earn an Advanced Regents diploma. 


Students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

In addition to the Regents or Advanced Regents diploma, students with IEPs have other graduation options available:

  • The local diploma, which allows students who meet specific criteria to graduate with lower exam scores; and
  • Two non-diploma credentials that allow students with disabilities to demonstrate career-readiness skills. Note that these credentials are not equivalent to a high school diploma:
    • The Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement (CDOS) credential allows students to demonstrate mastery of the academic and personal behaviors required in the workplace. It can serve in addition to a high school diploma or as a standalone credential.
    • Students who are alternately assessed can earn the Skills and Achievement credential which, although not equivalent to a diploma, supports the attainment of career-readiness skills.

**All information taken directly from the NYC Department of Education Website:

Class Participation & Engagement - 40%

  • Participation in pairs, groups, and whole class discussions
  • Completion of in-class assignments
  • Asking and responding to questions
  • Working cooperatively with others
  • Remaining on task
  • Respectful interactions with peers and staff
  • Maintaining organized notebooks
  • Preparedness
  • Following directions
  • Attendance and timeliness


Exams - 30%

  • Unit Exams
  • Quizzes
  • Benchmark Assessments


Projects/Major Assignments - 25%

  • Essays
  • Individual and/or Group Projects
  • Socratic Seminars
  • Classroom Presentations
  • Reciprocal Teaching 


Homework - 5%

  • Skill Practice Assignments
  • Readings
  • Journals
  • Research
  • Google Classroom Assignments



  • Students CANNOT fail a class solely on attendance, however, when students are absent, they MUST make up missing assignments, tests, labs, etc. to ensure they earn the grades for the missing assignments.
  • Students should check for grade updates via Jupiter Ed on a consistent basis.
  • Parent Outreach is necessary when any student(s) is in danger of failing a class.

All students are expected to complete all homework assignments every night. Homework reinforces the skills and understandings gained in class and prepares you for upcoming concepts. Teachers assign homework to reinforce your mastery of skills and help you develop productive work habits in preparation for the demands of college and/or career. The amount of time spent on homework each night varies according to project deadlines and the individual student.

If you need support with an assignment or are struggling to complete homework, please let the teacher know this. Students who were unable to complete homework due to absence or some  other circumstance must make up all missed assignments. It is your responsibility to request work from your teachers upon returning to school.

Homework TIPS:

When it comes to homework, just do it! It may not be easy, but here are some tips that will help you keep up with all the homework:

  • Write down ALL of your assignments in one place. Use a planner or calendar so you remember when assignments are due. 
  • Find a quiet place where you can do your homework.
  • Get it done as soon as you get home.
  • There’s a homework Help Line! Call 212-777-3380 and a teacher will help you over the phone.
  • When you finish your homework, immediately put it in your notebook or a homework folder so you can turn it in on time.
  • Keep your schedule in a place where you can see it so you know what to bring each day.
  • Check your book bag each night before you go to bed to make sure you have what you need.

Daily Session Time

According to the Commissioner’s Regulations, the minimum length of the school day for ALL students, grades 7-12 is 5.5 hours per day not counting lunch. Seniors on track for graduation often reach their senior year needing only a few required courses or already having met the minimum number of requirements. Schools must still schedule students for at least 5.5 hours a day. For more information regarding this matter, please see the High School Academic Policy Reference Guide. This guide can be found on the New York City Department of Education website

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

School starts at 8:00 AM every day. If you cannot get to school on time, you must visit the office to sign-in and receive a late pass or you will not be permitted to enter class. If you must be late for an appointment or family obligation, you must bring a doctor’s note or a note from a parent/guardian to explain your lateness. More than three latenesses will result in a conference with the student & the parent and after school detention. 

Absences jeopardize students’ academic success. When students miss classes, they miss opportunities to learn. Absences may adversely affect a student’s grade in a given class, and/or the student’s ability to accumulate the credits required to graduate on time. Students are responsible for making up all work missed due to absences and/or latenesses. Therefore: 

  • If you are absent, a school message will be sent electronically to your parents/guardians.
  • If you are late or absent for more than three consecutive days, then a home visit will be scheduled. 

Your presence is valuable and necessary to ensure success in your class, and ultimately achieve your goal of graduating on time. 

Cutting Class

Our expectation is for students to be fully present and ready to learn throughout the entire school day. We encourage every student to make choices that will have a positive impact on his/her academic future. Therefore, when you cut class, the following will happen:

  • A parent/guardian will be called and notified immediately, and the student will receive in school or after school detention. 
  • If the student continues to cut classes, then additional disciplinary actions, such as parent conferences and/or suspensions will occur. 

To promote an optimal learning environment, it is our belief that students should be dressed appropriately at all times. Students’ dress and appearance, along with conduct, have an influence on class discipline and achievement. This policy is designed to permit students to focus their attention on academics; therefore, students must respect the following:

  • Pants and skirts must be worn at waist level, and may not ride or sag below the waist.
  • Students may not wear inappropriately tight shirts, pants, or skirts. 
  • Students may not wear skirts or shorts that are inappropriately short (3 or more inches above the knee) or that have long slits (above the knees).
  • Clothing may not be see-through, torn, cut, drawn on, or have logos, writing or pictures that may be offensive to others.
  • No underwear, undershirts, bras, or bra straps may be visible at any time.
  • Jewelry may not be distracting or have inappropriate connotations.
  • Hats or head coverings, including scarves, headbands, hoods, do-rags, hair picks, and bandanas, may be worn, except for religious or medical reasons. 

If you are seen wearing any of these items, you will be asked to remove and/or cover the item of clothing/jewelry. A parent/guardian may be asked to bring a change of clothes or the school may provide an alternative. 

Brooklyn High School for Law and Technology only allows students to use the internet for educational use such as instruction, research, collaboration, or communication related to a project and/or assignment. Students using the school’s internet system for something other than educational related purposes will no longer be permitted to use the school’s system. Prohibited behaviors include but are not limited to:

  • Using, posting, or distributing vulgar, threatening, or abusive language
  • Accessing, using, posting, or distributing information or materials that are obscene, illegal, violent, or discriminatory
  • Accessing, posting, or distributing harassing, discriminatory, or hateful material
  • Damaging computer equipment, files, data, or the system in any way including spreading viruses and vandalizing equipment, files, or data
  • Downloading, posting, reproducing, or distributing music, photographs, and/or video
  • Engaging in plagiarism (the taking of someone’s ideas or writings and presenting them as if they are your own. 

Student Responsibilities


Follow the rules

  • Follow all school and class rules for using technology
  • Act responsibly to all—both online and face-to-face
  • Collaborate in positive ways that help you learn
  • Use technology to support an inclusive school community


Stay safe

  • Only use accounts that belong to you.
  • Protect passwords—don’t share them with others
  • Don’t automatically save passwords on school devices
  • Don’t give out personal information online without your parent’s permission
  • Have permission from a parent before meeting anyone in person that you have met only online


Take care of things

  • Respect and care for both:
    • Student work (yours and your peers)
    • Devices


Take care of each other

  • Only download music, photographs, or video if you have permission from your teacher
  • Follow the owner’s instructions for use
  • If you don't know whether you can use something you found online, ask the owner for permission
  • Follow your teacher’s directions for fundraising online
  • See something that is inappropriate, threatening, or unkind? Here is what you can do:
  • Reach out to a trusted adult
  • Email [email protected]
  • Call Respect for All at 212-374-2350


Students who do not act responsibly may face the consequences explained in the Discipline Code and Chancellor’s Regulations.

In order to create an environment that is safe, respectful, and conducive to learning, we adhere to the Chancellor’s Regulation A-413 which states that students are permitted to bring electronic items such as cell phones, iPads, iPods, tablets, and handheld video game systems; however, these devices may not be turned on or used during school including at lunch, in the bathrooms, and in the hallways. The following will be the procedures for students using cell phones or electronic devices in the building:

  • 1st offense: Verbal Warning (First, the teacher will conference with the student and/or contact the parent/guardian.)
  • 2nd offense: The student will serve after school detention.
  • 3rd offense: The parent/guardian will be scheduled for a meeting and/or possible confiscation. 


NOTE: TIK TOK is BANNED on all School devices and in spaces. 

  • Arrive on time, prepared to begin before the bell rings
  • Enter the room quietly, be seated and begin the assigned task
  • Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teacher
  • Be engaged and on-task throughout the class period
  • Complete all work to the best of your ability
  • Exit the classroom quietly and calmly after the teacher dismisses you
  • Move calmly to and from each of your classes
  • Keep volume of your voices low
  • Walk through halls and stairways without endangering others by running
  • Discard trash in containers
  • Follow the directions of school staff members
  • Do not engage in inappropriate physical contact of any type in the halls including altercations and public displays of affection
  • Do not engage in horseplay or use obscene or vulgar language
  • Students traveling to the bathroom and other spaces in between classes must have a pass at all times
  • Breakfast and lunch are served only at designated times in the cafeteria. Unsupervised students should never been in the cafeteria.
  • Students must treat all food service staff, cafeteria supervisors, and fellow students with courtesy and respect.
  • Students must never run in the cafeteria.
  • Students must line up orderly and quietly.
  • Students are not permitted to order food from outside of the school cafeteria.
  • Food is not allowed outside of the cafeteria without permission.
  • Students must enter and exit the cafeteria quietly and orderly. 

Whenever possible, teachers will deal with any disciplinary infractions individually with a student. In extreme situations, the following disciplinary responses may be utilized: 


Classroom Removal

A teacher has the authority to remove a student for 1-4 days if the student is engaging in behavior that is substantially disruptive or interferes with the teacher’s authority over the classroom. A teacher may remove a student from a class who has been documented by the teacher to have repeatedly interfered with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with the students in the class or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn.

A parent/guardian will be notified when a class removal occurs. If a student is removed from a class 3 times, a suspension will result. 



All suspensions and removals from the classroom will be done in accordance with the Chancellor’s Regulations. 

A principal has the authority to suspend a student 1-5 days when a student’s behavior presents a clear and present danger of physical injury to a student, school staff and personnel or interferes with classroom order

There is a zero-tolerance policy towards violence of any kind. This includes: fighting, play-fighting, bullying, and verbal abuse. Any such activity will result in a suspension.


Superintendent’s Suspension

A principal has the authority to submit for a superintendent’s suspension if a student commits any of the Level 3, Level 4, or Level 5 infractions listed in the Chancellor’s Regulations. A superintendent’s suspension may result in a period of suspension that exceeds 5 days. The student must be provided with the opportunity for a hearing prior to the suspension. 

The Chancellor’s Regulations applies to all student activities on and off campus and will guide all disciplinary actions. A copy of the Regulations is available at:

All students are expected to treat one another courteously, with respect for the other person’s feelings; to avoid any behaviors known to be offensive; and to stop these behaviors when asked or told to stop. All students are prohibited from engaging in offensive verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed toward one another. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or other inappropriate verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed towards any other individual. Anyone who is harassed in any way should contact his/her guidance counselor, teacher, or administrator immediately.
Administrators, teachers, and other professional personnel may question a student regarding the student’s own conduct or the conduct of other students. Students are expected to provide any information about their misbehavior or that of other students. Administrators are not required to contact parents prior to interviewing students. School officials may search a student’s outer clothing, pockets, or property by establishing reasonable suspicion or securing the student’s voluntary consent.

The Right to Freedom of Expression and Person


All students are guaranteed the right to express opinions, support causes, organize and assemble to discuss issues and demonstrate peacefully and responsibly in support of them, in accordance with policies and procedures established by the New York City Department of Education. Students have the right to:

  • organize, promote, and participate in a representative form of student government;
  • organize, promote, and participate in student organizations, social and educational clubs or teams and political, religious, and philosophical groups consistent with the requirements of the Equal Access Act;
  • representation on appropriate school-wide committees that influence the educational process, with voting rights where applicable;
  • publish school newspapers and school newsletters reflecting the life of the school and expressing student concerns and points of view consistent with responsible journalistic methods and subject to reasonable regulations based on legitimate pedagogical concerns;
  • circulate, including through electronic circulation, newspapers, literature, or political leaflets on school property, subject to reasonable guidelines established by the school regarding time, place and manner of distribution, except where such material is libelous, obscene, commercial, or materially disrupts the school, causes substantial disorder, or invades the rights of others;
  • wear political or other types of buttons, badges, or armbands, except where such material is libelous, obscene or materially disrupts the school, causes substantial disorder, or invades the rights of others;
  • post bulletin board notices within the school or on the school website subject to reasonable guidelines established by the school, except where such notices are libelous, obscene, commercial or materially disrupt the school, cause substantial disorder, or invade the rights of others;
  • determine their own dress within the parameters of the NYCDOE policy on school uniforms and consistent with religious expression, except where such dress is dangerous or interferes with the learning and teaching process;
  • be secure in their persons and belongings and to carry in the school building personal possessions which are appropriate for use on the premises;
  • be free from unreasonable or indiscriminate searches, including body searches;
  • be free from corporal punishment and verbal abuse (as per Chancellor’s Regulations A-420 and A-421 ;
  • decline to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance or stand for the pledge.

Responsible behavior by each student supports the rights set forth in this document. Violation of some of these responsibilities may lead, in accordance with the Discipline Code, to disciplinary measures. Full acceptance of responsibility with the exercise of rights will provide students with greater opportunity to serve themselves and society. Students have a responsibility to:

  • attend school regularly and punctually and make every effort to achieve in all areas of their education;
  • be prepared for class with appropriate materials and properly maintain textbooks and other school equipment;
  • follow school regulations regarding entering and leaving the classroom and school building;
  • help maintain a school environment free of weapons, illegal drugs, controlled substances, and alcohol;
  • behave in a manner that contributes to a safe learning environment and which does not violate other students’ right to learn;
  • share information with school officials regarding matters which may endanger the health and welfare of members of the school community;
  • respect the dignity and equality of others and refrain from conduct which denies or impinges on the rights of others;
  • show respect for school property and respect the property of others, both private and public;
  • be polite, courteous, and respectful toward others regardless of actual or perceived age, race, creed, color, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, weight, citizenship/immigration status, sexual orientation, physical and/or emotional condition, disability, marital status, and political beliefs, and refrain from making slurs based on these criteria;
  • behave in a polite, truthful, and cooperative manner toward students and school staff;
  • promote good human relations and build bridges of understanding among the members of the school community;
  • use non-confrontational methods to resolve conflicts;
  • participate and vote in student government elections;
  • provide positive leadership by making student government a meaningful forum to encourage maximum involvement;
  • work with school staff in developing broad extracurricular programs in order to represent the range of physical, social, and cultural interests and needs of students;
  • observe ethical codes of responsible journalism;
  • refrain from obscene and defamatory communication in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression, in their interactions with the school community;
  • express themselves in speech, writing, and other modes of expression, including electronic expression in a manner which promotes cooperation and does not interfere with the educational process;
  • assemble in a peaceful manner and respect the decision of students who do not wish to participate;
  • bring to school only those personal possessions which are safe and do not interfere with the learning environment;
  • adhere to the guidelines established for dress and activities in the school gymnasium, physical education classes, laboratories, and shops;
  • be familiar with the school Discipline Code and abide by school rules and regulations;
  • provide leadership to encourage fellow students to follow established school policies and practices;
  • keep parents informed of school-related matters, including progress in school, social and educational events, and ensure that parents receive communications that are provided by school staff to students for transmission to their parents.
Print the full Student Handbook document below:
Please note that the attached document is ONLY available in English. For all other language translations, please use the language Google Translate bar at the top of this web page.